We provide lead lined door lite frames with x-ray safety glass for your project-specific requirements. Select from over 25 standard sizes or request a quote for custom sizes or lead thicknesses.

These kits include The lead lined vision frame for 1-3/4″ thick doors and impact resistant X-Ray safety glass and meets ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201 CAT I for impact resistance and is permanently labeled as safety glass.

We provide lead lined door lite frames with x-ray safety glass for your project-specific requirements. Select from over 25 standard sizes or request a quote for custom sizes or lead thicknesses.

These kits include The lead lined vision frame for 1-3/4″ thick doors and impact resistant X-Ray safety glass and meets ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201 CAT I for impact resistance and is permanently labeled as safety glass. 

All the x-ray lead glass and window frames listed here meet 2mm lead equivalency based @ 150 KVP

While this is the most common lead equivalency for general x-ray rooms or such as doctors, dentist, chiropractors, and medical centers; you will still need to check with your local health official or radiation physicist to determine the required lead shielding for your room

Standard size window frames comes with a primer finish ready to paint. Ships within 3 to 5 business days. Custom sizes can ship within 2 to 3 weeks

  • These windows fit 1-3/4″ thick doors
  • Your cut-out size is order size (ex: 6″ x 24″ will have a 6″ x 24″ door cut-out)
  • Your visible glass size will be 1″ under order size (ex: 6″ x 24″ will have a 5″ x 23″ visible glass size)

If your project requires more than one lite kit, please email us at sales@libertyshielding.com for a formal quote with a shipping rate to your delivery address. 

Purchase a standard size X-Ray Door Lite Kit

Our door lite kits include the lead lined vision frame and x-ray lead safety glass.
They meet a minimum of 2mm (5#) lead equivalency based @ 150 KVP.

Important Terms and Conditions for Ordering Radiation Shielding Products

  • Customer must verify lead equivalency meets the shielding requirements of the room
  • Payment will be required to begin fabrication.
  • Once fabrication begins, no cancellations or changes may take place
  • All radiation shielding calculations must be determined by a radiation physicist.
  • By placing this order and paying you accept and have verified sizes, quantities, lead equivalency, and accept the terms for shipping / receiving and returns / replacement.
  • All products must be inspected upon delivery in the presence of the delivery driver. Once the product is received and the delivery receipt is signed, no claims for damage will be entertained. If there is damage, note it on the delivery receipt and contact us immediately.
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